The coach waved, the snow fell, but Cologne made even bigger stupidity
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It is hard to describe what happened in Cologne a week after Peter Shotger`s separation. The team recorded a historic shootout at their home in Freiburg at a 15th round of the Bundesliga. The team led 3:0 in less than half an hour, but eventually lost 3:4. In this way, the goats are still the only ones without a victory since the beginning of the championship, with the difference with the first team above the line of the straight-outs being already 11 points.
The duel started half an hour late due to the heavy snowfall over Cologne. For a long time, the hosts cleaned Rein Energy Staddien`s field, but they still could not handle it completely and the game started in bad conditions. The hosts showed freedom and thrown the guests with three hits to the 29th minute, Lucas Clunter, Seru Girasi from penalty and Caleb Stanko`s own goal. Everyone in Cologne enjoyed the moment when the penalty kick was particularly interesting when the penalty spot was not visible for the snow. The referee had to measure 11 meters.
Freiburg coach Cristian Streich, however, took the right decisions and at 0:2 he made a double shift, which proved to be a smart move. Five minutes before the break, Niels Petersen returned one goal, and the rest remained for that.
In the 65th Yannik Haberer further reduces the lagging of the guests. The housed hosts did not know what to do, and any attack on their doors was dangerous. This resulted in the 90th minute when Petersen equalized with a penalty.
There were three (! ! ) Clean positions for Freiburg before Girassi added one more penalty to Cologne, which Petersen realized again for the final analyzed by soccer picks 4:3 for the benefit of the visiting team. The odds for Cologne are not good because the champion Bayern (Munich) is coming to an end on Wednesday. For Freiburg this is only a third success so far, but he was enough to get out of the relegation zone directly. Cologne`s company there is Werder (Bremen).
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