Fix matches Collins on stalkers: Sometimes I can seem withdrawn, but I had to be very careful for safety

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Danielle Collins was stalked several times.
According to her, there were cases of stalking both on the Internet and in real life. For example, one person started calling her friends and relatives at work.

I`m serious. I don`t think it`s common to talk about this, but many on the tour felt a security threat. I`ve had several different situations over the years. It`s always unpleasant when it seems like someone is spying on your life.

Social networks give us many opportunities to communicate with fans, but at the same time they sometimes give access to unhealthy people who have mental problems. We have to be more attentive and wary. It`s still very difficult for me to be in a crowd, I`m scared when fans run up to me, throw something or touch me, because I`ve been through several scary situations.

I rarely go anywhere alone, I always make sure there is security there, and this influenced me very much. For a long time it was difficult for me to be myself. Sometimes I asked myself: What did I do to make this person think that he could overstep his boundaries?

I had to be very vigilant and careful for safety. I may seem reserved and aloof to fans, but in reality sometimes I have to be more careful in what I say and do because I don`t want certain people to know where I am, what I`m doing or what`s going on in my daily life.

It`s important to point this out because people might think she doesn`t post often, she`s unfriendly, she doesn`t interact with fans or other players. But I don`t really advertise who I`m with because I don`t want someone stalking me to see who I`m friends with and then call them at work - it`s happened before.

Collins did not contact the police - the WTA sorted it out on its own. The association recently appointed a director of safety and launched an additional training program.

I think WTA security handles situations like this very well and I really appreciate that. They made me feel safe. Because of our travels, it is sometimes difficult to know who is truly a fan and who is not.

Collins on stalkers: Sometimes I can seem withdrawn, but I had to be very careful for safety Fix matches - more details and information: Fix matches

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